of Course |
and Critical Philosophy |
of Course |
5019 |
Compulsory / Selective of Course |
Elective |
Level of Course |
Master of Arts Degree |
10 |
Hours (T) |
3 |
Semester of Course |
Fall / I. Semester |
Course Lecturer |
Metin Bal,
Department of Philosophy,
Faculty of Letters,
Dokuz Eylül Üniversity,
Tınaztepe Campus,
Postal Code: 35260 , İzmir,
Mobile: (++ 90)
506 536 00 30
Phone : ++ 90
(232) 412 79 03 - Extension number: 19411,
Fax: ++ 90
(232) 453 90 93
balmetin@gmail.com |
Education system of the Course (Formal education, Distance
education) |
education (Örgün Eğitim) |
Language of Course (Turkish, English, German) |
Turkish |
Course Objectives
Kant's critical philosophy is investigated.
The basic books of Kant's critical philosophy - Critique of
Pure Reason, Critique of Practical Philosophy,
Critique of The Power of Judgment - are examined. The
reception of Kant's critical philosophy by Fichte, Schelling and
Hegel is analysed. |
The presentations are expected to be made at the appointed time.
The papers are submitted at a set time.
Attendance to the lectures is required.
Auxiliary Activities Recommended For Participants
Participants of this course are expected to give a presentation
on the major work of related philosopher to see to what extend
knows the graduate student his/her subject.
2-) Archieve
research on the primary and secondary sources of the subject.
Biographical study about the philosopher.
4-) Study of
chronological list of the complete works of related subject.
Submission of weekly study of technical terms of the subject.
6-) The
participants are expected to be interdisciplinary and to get in
contact with other sciences.
7-) The
participants are expected to immerse themselves in building
foreign language skills.
Retrospective and prospective readings in the history of
philosophy about the subject. |
1. The participants gain the knowledge
of the basic concepts of Kant's critical philosophy.
2. The participants are able to evaluate the ideas developed by
Kant related to critical philosophy.
3. The participants are able to make
comparisons between new and old theories of critical theories.
4. The participants could ground these
ideas on a solid basis.
5. The participants equip themselves with an intellectual capital that renders them critic in the field of
Kant's critical philosophy. |
Course Content |
Subjects |
Theoretic |
Practice |
1 |
The possibility of
metaphysics |
2 |
Hume and the bounds
of possible experience |
3 |
Concepts and Ideas |
4 |
Idea of
transcendental philosophy |
5 |
Transcendental logic and transcendental
dialectics |
6 |
The architechtonic of
pure reason |
7 |
Jacobi's critique of
Kant |
8 |
9 |
The reception of
Kant's critical philosophy by Fichte |
10 |
The reception of
Kant's critical philosophy by Fichte |
11 |
The reception of
Kant's critical philosophy by Schelling |
12 |
The reception of
Kant's critical philosophy by Schelling |
13 |
The reception of
Kant's critical philosophy by Hegel |
14 |
The reception of
Kant's critical philosophy by Hegel |
15 |
The reception of
Kant's critical philosophy by Marx |
16 |
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Kant, Immanuel (1983) Gelecekte Bilim
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çev. Ioanna Kuçuradi - Yusuf Örnek, Ankara: METEKSAN.
Abbott, Thomas Kingsmill. (Der.) (1909).
Kant’s Critique of
Practical Reason, and Other Works
On The Theory of Ethics.
London: Longman’s, Gren, and Co.
Ameriks, Karl. (Der.) (2000).
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Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Aristoteles, (1988). Nikomakhos’a Etik. (çev. Saffet
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Caygill, Howard. (1994). A Kant Dictionary. Norwich:
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Hammermeister, Kai. (2002). The German Aesthetic Tradition.
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Heidegger, Martin. (1962). Kant ve Metafiziğin Problemi. (ing.
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Jacobs, Brian & Kain, Patrick. (Der.) (2003). Essays on Kant’s
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Kant, Immanuel. (1960). Religion Within The Limits of Reason Alone.
(ing.çev. T.M.Greene & H.H.Hudson. New York: Harper & Brothers).
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Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co.
Kant, Immanuel (1965) Critique of Pure Reason. (ing. çev. Norman
Kemp Smith). New York: St Martin’s Press.
Kant, Immanuel. (Der.), (1984). Seçilmiş Yazılar. (çev.
Nejat Bozkurt). İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
Kant, Immanuel. (1986). Critique of Judgement. (ing.çev.
J.C.Meredith). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kant, Immanuel. (1987).
Critique of
(ing. çev. Werner S. Pluhar). Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hackett Publishing
Kant, Immanuel (1993). Arı Usun Eleştirisi. (çev. Aziz
Yardımlı). İstanbul: İdea Yayınevi.
Kant, Immanuel. (1996). Metaphysics of Morals, (ing. çev.
Roger Sullivan.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kant, Immanuel. (1997). Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals.
(ing.çev. Christine Korsgaard). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kant, Immanuel. (2006).
Yargı Yetisinin
Eleştirisi, Kritik der Urteilskraft.
(çev. Aziz Yardımlı). İstanbul: İdea Yayınevi.
Özlem, Doğan. & Ateşoğlu Güçlü. (Der.), (2006) Tarih Felsefesi.
Ankara: Doğu Batı Yayınları.
Schelling, von F.W.J. (1994).
On the History of
Modern Philosophy.
(ing. çev. Andrew Bowie). Cambridge: Cambridge Univeristy Press.